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Centerville - A Growing Community

It is evident to anyone who travels about 40 miles southwest of Sioux Falls, that the quiet town of Centerville is progressing and changing. With a current population of just under 1000, Centerville has positioned themselves to experience impressive growth due to their long-range plans.

Housing development has been a top priority for the Centerville Development Corporation for several years.

According to Jared Hybertson, Centerville’s Economic Development Coordinator, they were able to recently save a 106-year-old home with help from Housing Opportunity Funds through the South Dakota Housing Development Authority.

“Between renovations and new construction spec homes we have averaged about two housing projects a year for the last four years. We also have a 14-acre piece on the edge of town that we have done preliminary engineering on that will make way for Centerville’s newest housing subdivision. This will give Centerville an additional 28 housing lots for future growth,” he said.

And the community needs it. Hybertson explained that lately, Centerville has had people moving to town from both near and far. From Sioux Falls to Colorado and even Washington, he said that it is interesting to hear what Centerville’s draw is.

“I could reference the improvements we have made to our parks and other quality of life amenities. Or the emphasis we have put on creating an attractive downtown. But we believe it is a combination of several things that make our community appealing,” said Hybertson, noting the school system, smaller community, jobs, and even laying down roots.

“We truly see a wide variety of people and age ranges wanting to call Centerville home,” he continued.

The Centerville Development Corporation is also working with the City of Centerville to develop and market a parcel for business development.

“We are currently looking at a few targeted industries that have expressed interest. There are several factors that make Centerville’s central location in the growing region of southeastern South Dakota appealing,” said Hyberston.

As Centerville continues to see success and growth in the community, Hybertson praised the city.

“I think the biggest contribution the City of Centerville provides towards economic development is their investment in a full-time paid economic development director. Not many communities the size of Centerville have made that type of commitment. Without that full-time position, Centerville would not be the thriving community that it is today. Having that person on staff that wakes up every day thinking about ways to grow the community and make it a better place to live has truly been a big part of Centerville’s success over the years. And I believe it is that working relationship between the city and the economic development organization that will continue to carry our community’s success into the future.”

South Dakota Governor’s Office of Economic Development

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