Governor's Conference on Economic Development

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North Sioux City Expanding

Plans for a massive industrial park are underway in North Sioux City. Nestled in southeast South Dakota, along the Iowa and Nebraska borders, the community of just over 3000 is poised to add 330 acres to their industrial park. Another 90 acres will be set aside for 500 workforce homes.

“We are pleased to partner with North Sioux City to make this new industrial park a reality,” GOED Commissioner Steve Westra said. “With the increased interest our state has seen over the last two years, it has become apparent that communities with developed land and infrastructure are better positioned to attract projects.”

The Governor’s Office of Economic Development recently announced that North Sioux City Economic Development Corporation was approved for a $10,500,000 REDI (Revolving Economic Development & Initiative) loan and a $500,000 LIIP (Local Infrastructure Improvement Program) grant. The funding, approved by the Board of Economic Development, will be used to purchase land and assist with infrastructure for a new industrial park and housing development.

“Economic development is so important to North Sioux City because of the positive impact it makes on its residents and people throughout the region. Economic development results in job retention and growth, increased economic activity, diversified housing option, and increased quality of life,” said Andrew Nilges, Executive Director of the North Sioux City Development Corporation.

South Dakota Governor’s Office of Economic Development

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