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Sisseton - a hidden gem in northeast South Dakota

With a population of nearly 2,500, the rural town of Sisseton is one of South Dakota’s hidden gems. Diversity, friendliness, and numerous amenities is something this thriving community is proud of.  

With approximately 300 businesses throughout the Sisseton area, the growth of the community is something that Sisseton takes very seriously.  

“We do not want to go into a decline and so we need economic development to maintain our population,” said Mayor Terry Jaspers.  

The need for housing is something the Sisseton Development Corporation is tackling. The group recently purchased several acres of land on the west edge of town. Once developed, they will be offering choice lots for single family housing while they continue to look into the idea of an apartment complex in the same location.  

Sisseton’s industrial park, located along SD Hwy 10, is a prime location for any light industrial or manufacturing business looking to open or expand. Business development has migrated to the state highway thoroughfare to help meet the needs of the Sisseton community and those traveling through. Today, additional land owned by the development corporation is available. 

Jaspers noted that South Dakota has a very favorable tax climate for businesses and people who visit the community get a good vibe about the state in general. 

Nick Blaske, executive director of the Sisseton Economic Development Corporation, has spent the last two years in his position and said that learning about all of the businesses in the town has been great.  

“The ability to talk shop with locals and meeting all the businesses in town has been my favorite part,” he said. “It’s about helping as much as I can. Over the last year we have had 18 new businesses open in town.” 

Blaske feels that people choose Sisseton because of the tight knit, diverse community, and that businesses are welcomed with open arms.  

And in South Dakota, he said, there are so many opportunities for businesses thinking of opening in the state. “Anyone can come here and be accepted. We are truly a melting pot,” he said.  

South Dakota Governor’s Office of Economic Development

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