Governor's Conference on Economic Development
Expanding or relocating?
PIERRE, S.D. – Governor Kristi Noem’s commitment to secure broadband for South Dakota’s next generation and beyond is moving forward with the posting of a Request for Application for the $5 million grant money commitment to launch South Dakota’s broadband development program, Connect South Dakota.
The Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) Commissioner, Steve Westra, explained, “The legislature entrusted GOED to administer and award the grants. We take that role very seriously. We recognize we must act swiftly to meet the 2019 construction season, connect customers, and demonstrate success by year’s end. Therefore, we need ‘shovel ready’ projects to be submitted. We intend to do it with minimal regulation and full transparency. We hope, with the support and leadership of the legislature, we will have future phases of the program because there are numerous pockets of South Dakota hurting economically and suffering from lower quality of life because of inadequate or no internet connection.”
The application can be found at The application deadline is Friday, May 10, and the awards will be announced to individuals on Wednesday, May 22. This deadline will better equip the recipients to complete connectivity by December 31, 2019.