Governor's Conference on Economic Development
Expanding or relocating?
South Dakota Works is a flexible loan program that offers business and commercial loans to companies in need of working capital, fixed assets, and interim construction financing. The Works program is a true gap financing tool that target 20% of eligible costs on a project’s need for financing. The SD Works loan can be in a subordinated lien position to the lead lender’s financing. Eligible uses include building construction, equipment purchases, real estate financing, and working capital.
For additional information and to learn more about this recently expanded program, contact a business development representative at (605) 773-4633 or
The borrower works with a participating lender to secure matching funds to be used in conjunction with a South Dakota Works loan.
South Dakota Works may be used for business purposes, including start-up costs, working capital, inventory, and interim construction loans.
Ineligible uses of funds include: