Governor's Conference on Economic Development
Expanding or relocating?
A rural town in northeastern Meade County, Faith is home to just under 400 residents.
Faith has many amazing qualities but their greatest may be their resiliency as a town and its residents.
With a heightened sense of community, this unique town utilizes a trade area beyond 100 miles. Self-sufficient when it comes to many things, city council president Brad Lemmel explained that Faith and its residents pull itself up by its bootstraps.
“As towns get smaller and smaller, I hope that stops in Faith and people put a foot in the ground and push back,” he said.
And that hope is working as Faith continues to grow and adapt.
Much of that economic activity comes from bringing people into town to spend both time and money at Faith Livestock, where approximately 160,000 head of livestock are sold yearly, or to attend events such as the annual Faith Stock Show.
Owner Dace Harper said, “We draw cattle from all over the northwest, Montana, Wyoming. But the best part of owning a business is supporting other businesses and the people here in Faith.”