Governor's Conference on Economic Development
Expanding or relocating?
The Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) was awarded a $1M grant from the Economic Development Administration (EDA) to help fund statewide economic development planning. As part of the application process, GOED identified and chose to focus on economic development infrastructure planning. This grant will not be used for construction, just planning.
GOED is tagging this EDA Planning Grant as the “Infrastructure First Project” and has selected ISG Inc. to help with this statewide infrastructure planning. Ultimately, we hope this planning will lay the groundwork for future local, regional, and statewide economic development success.
GOED has received the 60% plan for review from ISG. We are very happy with the level of detail and information that this plan will provide for the State and other GOED stakeholders. We look forward to bringing this information forward to other state agencies in the coming months to ensure proper feedback and creating a closed loop with the entities that this project may impact.
This project is projected to conclude in May 2024. Stay tuned for more updates.
All three regions have begun their CIP planning process. GOED was able to see a glimpse of the detailed plans that communities are creating together with ISG through the planning process. We look forward to hearing from these communities on how this process has worked and what this will do to help their communities in the future. See some quotes below on communities’ initial reactions to the CIP planning process with ISG.
“The city held a strategic planning session in November – from that meeting there was a realization that there are a lot of needs from the community. This CIP will help identify the needs, prioritize them, and create a budget to complete the identified projects.” “Part of Economic Development is what you don’t see. This plan will address those items and put a plan in place to make economic development successful for the community. Would like to see that no stone is unturned. The details are what makes the plan successful.”
“The city held a strategic planning session in November – from that meeting there was a realization that there are a lot of needs from the community. This CIP will help identify the needs, prioritize them, and create a budget to complete the identified projects.”
“Part of Economic Development is what you don’t see. This plan will address those items and put a plan in place to make economic development successful for the community. Would like to see that no stone is unturned. The details are what makes the plan successful.”
As ISG nears the end of the Statewide plan, they are beginning to gear up and focus on the site selection process across the state. ISG is currently working on pulling together the metrics and evaluating numerous potential sites to ensure we are focusing our attention on sites that will make an impact. Stay tuned for more details in 2024.
Casey Boerger (Southeast)
Hannah Sage (Western)
Laure Swanson (Northeastern)